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Moisture Analyzers


Outstanding Performance, Flexible Configuration and Reliable Results
The MB25 provides precise moisture content determination at an unbeatable value. With a large backlit LCD display, standard RS232 port, 110g capacity with a readability of 0.005g/0.05% and halogen heating, the MB25 offers moisture analysis for any budget.
MB25 Features
Halogen heating and dual weight-temperature calibration provide fast, reliable results.
User-friendly touch-button design for easy operation.
Easy-clean heating chamber is ideal for frequent use.
MB25 Models
Maximum Capacity
Readability Moisture Content
Pan Size
Heater Type
Maximum Capacity
110 g
Readability Moisture Content
5 mg/0.05%
Pan Size
3.5 in (90 mm)
MB25 Product Details
Percent Moisture Determination, Percent Solid Determination, Weighing
Backlit liquid crystal display (LCD)
Power cord (included)
RS232 (included)
Halogen heat source, ABS housing, metal pan support, metal pan handler, in-use cover
Design Features
3 shut off criteria (manual, timed or auto), 1 standard heating profile, 50° to 160° C heating range (5° C increments)
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