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Frontier™ 5000 Rotors
Offering Flexibility to Maximize Sample Preparation

Rotor Hematocrit 24xCapillaries V1

Maximum Speed 13,000 rpm
Maximum Relative Centrifuge Force (x g) 16,058 g
Maximum Capacity(Rotor) 24 x Capillaries
Item Number: 30472304
Frontier rotors extend the functionality of Frontier centrifuges by increasing the number of tubes of varied types and sizes that can be used in conjunction with each of the centrifuge models. Easy to clean and operate, the rotors are durably constructed to withstand demanding centrifugation.
Centrifugation Accessory
Aluminum or polypropylene material
Design Features
Maximum Speed 13,000 rpm
Maximum Relative Centrifuge Force (x g) 16,058 g
Maximum Capacity(Rotor) 24 x Capillaries
Tube diameter without adapter N/A
Outer/Inner Radius 85 mm
Rotor Style Angle
Aerosol tight Not applicable
Acceleration Time (sec) 20 / 156
Angle 90°
Compatible Models FC5513
Deceleration Time (sec) 22 / 160
Dimensions 7.95 in (20.2 cm)
Maximum loading weight 4.8 g
Net Weight 0.31 lb (0.14 kg)
Working Environment -4°F – 122°F, 95%RH, non-condensing (Temperature: -20ºC – 50ºC, Humidity: <95%)