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Vortexer Accessories
Comprehensive Selection of Vortexer Accessories for a Wide Range of Applications

Single Microplate Holder

Type Microplate Holder
Capacity 1
Material Plasitc
Item Number: 30400215
OHAUS offers a large selection of accessories that can be used on all of our Vortex Mixers. Easily increase throughput by mixing multiple samples at one time. Effortlessly mix up to 52 microtubes or eight microplates. Choose the holder for your sample size or select the flat insert and cut out to suit your custom specifications.
Re-Suspending Liquids, Mixing Reagents, Buffers and Emulsions, ELISA Assays, Drug Extractions, Mixing Samples, PCR, Digestions, Cell Disruptions, Genotyping
Heavy-Duty Vortex includes a holder for securing accessory tube racks. Mini Vortex Mixers need a retainer to secure accessory racks.
Tube racks are constructed of polyethylene foam
Design Features
Type Microplate Holder
Capacity 1
Material Plasitc