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Advanced Performance Stainless Steel Indicator with External Device Control Capabilities
The OHAUS T72XW indicator provides the flexibility, performance and operation necessary for specific applications with connectivity and data output capabilities - including vehicle weighing, over/under checkweighing, animal weighing and counting. The 7000 series indicator has multiple functions, intuitive software, multiple connectivity options, and the durability to stand up to the wear-and-tear in industrial settings.
T72XW Features
With a 50,000 displayed resolution and the ability to support up to 10 load cells, T72XW was designed for heavy-duty industrial applications such as vehicle weighing.
Two option slots are available to enable a wide range of connectivity interfaces. Control external devices using the discrete I/O interface and transfer data through the serial, USB or Ethernet ports.
T72XW is very easy to set up and navigate - featuring a vivid graphic display with on-screen prompts and an alphanumeric keypad with designated keys for common functions such as Tare & ID information.
T72XW Models
Resolution (Certified)
Battery Life
Second Scale Input
Protection Rating
Resolution (Certified)
Battery Life
Not Applicable
T72XW Product Details
Weighing, Parts Counting, Checkweighing, Animal/Dynamic Weighing, Vehicle Weighing
Transflective graphic LCD with white backlight, 240 x 96 pixels
AC power (included)
Easy access communication port including RS232 (included), USB, Ethernet and second RS232 or RS485 (accessories sold separately). GLP/GMP data output with real-time clock.
IP66/NEMA 4X stainless steel housing and mounting bracket
Design Features
Checkweighing lights with selectable operation and audible signal settings, sealed front panel, 5 operating languages (English, Spanish, French, German and Italian), selectable environmental and auto-print settings, stability and overload/underload indicators
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